About SuperFest

The Superstition Amateur Radio Club’s SuperFest has been held annually on the first Saturday of December in Phoenix Metro area since 1982, and it is the largest ham radio “hamfest” and technology swap meet gathering in the desert southwest.
Whether you are a technology tinkerer or seasoned ham radio operator; with its large open-air swap meet for radio and electronic equipment and supplies, the chance to win great prizes, educational seminars from top tier presenters, FCC Amateur Radio License testing, a trade show floor of local and nationwide technology and ham radio vendors and activities, and numerous other opportunities to share and learn about the many aspects of amateur radio and other technologies; SuperFest has something for you!
SuperFest is sponsored by the Superstition Amateur Radio Club, an ARRL (The National Association for Amateur Radio) and ARCA (Amateur Radio Council of Arizona) affiliated club, and Mesa Community College; and is supported by volunteers from the membership of The Superstition Amateur Radio Club and their families and friends.